The 2472 RCACC was formed 19 February 1953 and was known as 15th Field Regiment Cadet Corps. It was sponsored by and affiliated with 15th Field Artillery Regiment (RCA).
Effective 01 November 1959 the Corps was re-designated as the Bessborough Artillery Cadet Corps. On 10 March 1969 the Corps was re-designated again as the 15th Field Artillery Regiment (RCA) Cadet Corps.
Star of Courage Recipient – RSM Paul WM Benner:
Paul WM Benner is the only army cadet to ever receive the Star of Courage. He was the Regimental Sergeant Major of 2472 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps.
On November 21, 1996, 17-year-old Paul WM Benner lost his life while preventing his friend from being struck by a commuter train in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Mr. Benner and his friend had missed their late afternoon bus and, because of the cold weather, decided to take a shortcut home by walking along the train tracks. They had thought they would hear a train coming but when they heard the whistle blow, it was too late to escape the braking locomotive that was bearing down on them. The friend froze in shock. Without hesitation or regard for his own personal safety, Mr. Benner lunged towards her and pushed her out of the way. Because of his prompt and courageous action, the woman escaped certain death, but Mr. Benner was unable to clear the tracks in time and he sustained fatal injuries. For his actions, he was posthumously awarded the Star of Courage.
Star of Courage

More than one hundred years ago (as far back as 1862) Canada began the instruction of young men attending school in drill and military training. These young men were initially formed into militia sub-units known as Drill Associations that closely resemble present-day cadet corps.
In 1879, under the provision of Militia General Order 18, Associations for Drill in Educational Institutions were authorized for young men of at least 14 years of age. This General Order is taken as the official founding date of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
In 1942, His Majesty King George VI conferred the title Royal on the Army cadets and accepted the appointment of Colonel-in-Chief. Today, HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, holds this title.
During the 1960s, the Canadian Forces underwent a complete reorganization and as a result, the Directorate of Cadets was established at National Defence Headquarters to set policy and coordinate the activities of the Canadian Cadet Organization on a national basis.
Bill C16 was given Royal Assent on July 30, 1975, and amended the National Defence Act allowing young women to enrol as cadets. Prior to this date, cadets was a male-only organization.
The Canadian Cadet Movement is the largest youth organization in Canada and is the only federally funded youth initiative. We have corps and squadrons in every province and territory, and currently, have over 55,000 members!