The 2472 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Sponsoring Committee (2472 RCACC SC) is a non-profit society registered in 2005 made up of parents, guardians, past cadets, military and civilian sponsors as well as local community members.

All parents become members upon registering your cadet.

Current Executive Committee Members

  • Chair
    • Andrew McBride
  • Vice-Chair
    • Vacant
  • Treasurer
    • Dawn Patterson                                                    
  • Co-Secretary
    • Linda Dale
  • Co-Secretary
    • Tracy Conn
  • Fundraising Sub-Committee Chair
    • Vacant
  • Recruiting Sub-Committee Chair
    • Vacant
  • Public Relations and Communications Sub-Committee Chair
    • Vacant
  • Member at Large
  • Member at Large
  • Member at Large
  • Army Cadet League of Canada Representative 
  • 15th Field Artillery Regiment Representative
    • Lt Richard Jones


The responsibilities of the Committee include:

  1. Managing the finances of the Corps
  2. Fundraising for activities and equipment
  3. Recruiting new cadets and volunteers
  4. Arranging Carpooling for cadet functions
  5. Providing snacks or meals for cadet functions
  6. Screening potential volunteers
  7. Canteen supply buying


tba at 6:30pm

Bessborough Armoury, 2nd Floor

Attendance at the AGM is mandatory unless a proxy form is provided. We encourage you to to volunteer your time, attend the monthly meetings, stay informed about the activities of the Corps or provide a donation.


The Army Cadet League of Canada(ACLC):

This civilian organization was formed in 1971.  It is partnered with the Department of National Defence in running the Army Cadet Program.   The ACLC has a national office and various provincial branches that work with corps across the country.  

The ACLC fundraises on behalf of the Army Cadet Program.  They also provide insurance for our program.  Lastly, the ACLC screens potential volunteers for the cadet program, ensuring that only the best adults work with our cadets.

For more information about the ACLC, visit Army Cadet League of Canada.


Over 60 years in Vancouver. Contact us to find out how you can get involved.

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